Get records
Returns records from a sheet in a workbook
Path parameters
ID of sheet
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
Query parameters
Deprecated, use commitId
Commit ID
Deprecated, use sinceCommitId
Commit ID
Name of field by which to sort records
Sort direction - asc (ascending) or desc (descending)
Options to filter records
Name of field by which to filter records
Search for the given value, returning matching rows. For exact matches, wrap the value in double quotes (“Bob”). To search for null values, send empty double quotes ("")
Use this to narrow the searchValue results to a specific field
The Record Ids param (ids) is a list of record ids that can be passed to several record endpoints allowing the user to identify specific records to INCLUDE in the query, or specific records to EXCLUDE, depending on whether or not filters are being applied. When passing a query param that filters the record dataset, such as ‘searchValue’, or a ‘filter’ of ‘valid’ | ‘error’ | ‘all’, the ‘ids’ param will EXCLUDE those records from the filtered results. For basic queries that do not filter the dataset, passing record ids in the ‘ids’ param will limit the dataset to INCLUDE just those specific records. Maximum of 100 allowed.
Number of records to return in a page (default 10,000)
Based on pageSize, which page of records to return (Note - numbers start at 1)
DEPRECATED Use GET /sheets/:sheetId/counts
The length of the record result set, returned as
If true, linked records will be included in the results. Defaults to false.
Include error messages, defaults to false.
A list of field keys to include in the response. If not provided, all fields will be included.
if “for” is provided, the query parameters will be pulled from the event payload
An FFQL query used to filter the result set
A list of records with optional record counts